5 Steps to Beat the Funk!

Jun 15, 2021

I shouldn’t have left you

How could I have done such a thing for three months! Wow, well I explained a bit briefly back in March that nothing had happened. No major setback, not major disappointments, and honestly life is just going. I do admit at times I randomly get in a funk, just random depressive moods. Every now and then, I get myself back up by reaffirming my goals, visions, and dreams. It is not easy, trust me! Though during these past few months, I accomplished some incredible feats!

In April I decided to work on my consistency with my workouts, for the whole month I only missed 7 days! Mid-April to Early May, I launched my first ever holiday gift box for Mother’s Day and it was a success, thanks to you all! Which has inspired me to follow an original idea I had when first came up with Road to Snatch, more to come on that soon! During the first week of June, I turned 30! Yes! My theme was 30 & Fabulous, I am going to exemplify that during my thirties. I am excited to have reached another decade and I am excited to see what is to come!

As a treat how about, I lay some gems about combating the funk?

1: Be Patient

Yes, as always be patient with yourself. When you are in a funk it can last a couple of hours, several weeks, or even months at a time. These depressive episodes are normal, and your feelings are just. It may be hard to understand and accept but remember you are not alone and you are not weak. You have the ability to overcome this. Activities such a meditation, mindfulness, and breathing can help.

2: Pinpoint the Trigger

Sometimes we feel confused as to why this is happening. We have difficulties finding the “why” for our funk. It is helpful to keep track of your moods and symptoms, this will may help you catch signs early before your funk happens. You can use a diary to log important events, any changes to your daily routine, and your moods. Sometimes rating your moods helps to identify what specific events or activities caused your response.

3: Externalize the “funk”

Your funk is not a person, it is not a personality trait either. When you have a depressive mood you may find it helpful to remind yourself you are not your funk! Give yourself some positive affirmation time and always remember your strengths, ability, and positive qualities that you possess!

4: Whisper sweet words to me

I briefly mentioned tracking but also a gratitude journal could be helpful. Writing down positive interactions, affirmations, eating healthy, and more could help you counter those negative thoughts. It may be hard because it is always easy to speak the negatives during our funk but don’t give it power! Take your power back, take the narrative of your story! You have controls and you can control the outcome <3

Before going to bed I recommend writing three good/positive things that happen that day! It does not have to be extravagant, even saying I had my favorite meal is a positive.

5: Reach Out

Now, if you are having a difficult time. The funk is too strong and you feel suffocated, you are not alone. Reach out to your loved ones and talk to them, they want to help you. Your family and friends want to hear from you, let them be there for you.

I also recommend having your own therapist, it can be beneficial to have them provide you additional resources to cope during these daunting times. Also, talk therapy can elevate your stress and low moods. There are also support groups and call centers. You can find some helpful numbers below

      Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 24/7 crisis counseling (US & Canada)

                            85258 UK & 50808 (Ireland) https://www.crisistextline.org⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

             National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

                            1-800-273-TALK (8255) 24-hour crisis center ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

SAMHSA National Help Line

1-800-662-HELP (4357). 24/7 treatment referral and information


Forever Always Shay “Snatcher” Moore

<h4>Shay Moore</h4>

Shay Moore

  1. Summer

    Sometimes getting out of a “funk” is the hardest thing to do. I love your journal idea. Also, reaching out to someone can be so important if you feel like things are too overwhelming.

    • Shay Moore

      Hi Summer!

      Yeah I love journalling, I started again for my weight loss journey it’s nice to write down how I’m feeling and what I can do to improve my mood and self.

  2. Katy

    Great ideas! It can be so hard when you’re in a funk to take your power back, but having these ideas ready to go can help. I’ve noticed gratitude journaling and eating healthy can really help- even when you just want to eat all the junk food.

    • Shay Moore

      Let me know how they go for you! Also, yes I notice if I junk out because of my funk I feel worst then if I had gone and grab a better alternative. Even taking a walk helps your mood out 🙂

  3. Kayla Lamb

    This was very useful! I joined the “Dirty Thirty” club in May and it has been a ride in just these few months! I’ll definitely be utilizing some of your suggestions.

    • Shay Moore

      Yay to the “Dirty Thirty”! Haha should be an official club for women 😉 I hope theses tips helps!

  4. Kathleen Wonders

    Love this post! I also turned 30 this year, so cheers to being 30 and fabulous! 😊 I think these tips are really awesome. Being grateful definitely works wonders, but I think that tip you gave about knowing that you are not that “depressive” mood is also very helpful. Thanks so much for sharing your tips!

    • Shay Moore

      Hi Kathleen,

      Yay another 30&flirty member! Haha 🙂 yes being grateful is nice but sometimes it’s not enough if we don’t know what may have cause our change in moods. Increasing our self awareness definitely will help out. Thank you so much for the support and love I truly appreciate it!

  5. Kimberlee

    Hey Shay, thank you for sharing your insights, the topic is definitely something I can relate to. Thing is, I thought I was going through a “funk” when the reality of the situation was deeper. I love how you shine a light on identifying the triggers and externalising the “funk”, or in my case depression. Thank you also for bringing this topic out of the shadows 💚

    • Shay Moore

      Hi Kimberlee!
      You are so welcome ❤️ I love narrative interventions and tend to use it with my clients alot. Externalizing the problem helps alot and increases self compassion and awareness. You got this!

  6. Devon

    I’m so glad I read this!! I get like this often due to chronic pain induced depressive episodes and It can be SO HARD to bring myself out of it setimes because I want ot mentally feel better but my pain is always there in the back of mind reminding me that this is my life FOREVER. So I definitely do need to ne more kind to myself and just take it day by day…and I also think im going to start a gratitude journal. I love that. Thank you!

    • Shay Moore

      Hi Devon!
      Yes we all need a bit of self-compassion. Our bodies and mind are doing the best it can under the circumstances we are given. I am so happy that my article could provide you some tips to take home. You are so welcome! Let me know how that gratitude journal goes 😀 <3

  7. Laura Hitt

    “You are not your funk!” Love that! That’s an awesome reminder. You’re doing good work in the world!

    • Shay Moore

      Thank you Laura! 😀

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